Eagle hunting has always been the main activity of the Kyrgyz people and during tours in Kyrgyzstan you will be able to witness all of it. First we would like to inform you before you start to travel in Kyrgyzstan that in 12-13th century this activity has started and it was the time when those who did eagle hunting were greatly respected. During tours you will be able to find out that those men who are doing eagle hunting are known as berkutchi. They could have supplied the entire village with meat and fur. We advise you to travel in Kyrgyzstan also for the idea of finding out that the skills and knowledge of eagle hunting as passing throughout generations and mainly it may be done with berkuts, hawks, and falcons. Being in a tour it is possible to witness this activity, of how birds can hunt bigger animals - wolves, foxes. Travel in Kyrgyzstan and local dwellers will tell you that usually birds are taken from nests and are brought for about 3-4 years. Then they live with men for 20 years. You can witness the process of hunting during tours and you are required to travel to Naryn and Issyk Kul regions. The season of eagle hunting is from October and lasts for 4 months. You need to pay 100$ for the demonstration.
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Issyk-Kul mountain lake
-> Flora |
-> Fauna |
-> Lakes |
-> Rivers |
-> Glaciers |
-> Peak Lenin |
-> Peak Pobeda |
-> Eagle hunting |
-> Traditional clothes |
-> Musical instruments |