Kyrgyz Population
When you start to travel in Kyrgyzstan by using car rent service you can notice that population is seen to be diverse. The population of the country is estimated to be about 7 million people with citizens living in Kyrgyzstan and outside our country. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan you have an opportunity to make a witness of the fact that there are about 80 nationalities living in the country while dive on car for rent. At the same time you can see the nomads when you travel in Kyrgyzstan. About 60% of the whole population is nomads and they live high in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Moreover you will always be met by hospitable people of the country when you travel here and want to make a visit of all peculiar places of our country. We have made an investigation and found out that about 70% of the population of the country is the Kyrgyz. Then you during your drive on the renting car in Kyrgyzstan you can meet 14% of Ethnic Uzbeks, 10% of the Russian and 8% of Dungans, Uighurs, Kazakhs, and Tajiks. We are glad to make your tour unbelievable and for this you are recommended to get to know the culture of the country before you start to travel in our country.