Rukh Ordo complex in Kyrgyzstan
It is known that, Kyrgyzstan is very popular for its historical places as Rukh Ordo complex. It is worth travelling in Kyrgyzstan and meet cultural heritages which never change roots. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will have opportunity to get spiritual rescue by visiting Rukh Ordo. Travelling in Kyrgyzstan will make you to learn more about different beliefs, religions, ancient legends, historical events, scientific facts as well as fantasy. During your tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will see the South side of Rukh Ordo is washed by the Issyk-Kul lake. We recommend you to visit Issyk Kul lake in your tours in Kyrgyzstan. Moving on, you will see Kungei Ala-Too or Solar Mountain from the north. If you are not sure about your religion, you are welcome to visit Rukh Ordo complex in your tour in Kyrgyzstan and see 5 major religions symbolizing unity of all faiths. In the course of your tours in Kyrgyzstan, you are going to see the five identical white chapels which are situated in a circle with equal-distant from each other. The Rukh Ordo complex represents tolerance, respect and well as patience to all religions.